Bounding Box Sorting Algorithm For Text Detection And Object Detection From Left To Right And Top To Bottom

vignesh amudha
3 min readMar 8, 2020



Take the minimum value of the sum of xmin and ymin, So that we get the points nearest to the origin.


Find the threshold value to eliminate other bbox which does not lies in between the initial bbox I1 of x and y coordinates.

Notes: don't add threshold value. Instead of we can change the constant value according to the problem.

Threshold value = (ymax- ymin) + C

C is a constant value, which we set to adjust the threshold value.

ymax is the initial bbox I1

ymin is the initial bbox I2


Then, sort the bbox according to the xmin axis of the filtered bbox.


Save the sorted bbox in a separate final array and delete the filtered bbox in the original bbox array.


Repeat the step1 to step4 until we get all the bbox sorted from left to right and top to bottom.


def sorting_bounding_box(points):
points = list(map(lambda x:[x[0],x[1][0],x[1][2]],points))
# print(points)points_sum = list(map(lambda x: [x[0],x[1],sum(x[1]),x[2] [1]],points))x_y_cordinate = list(map(lambda x: x[1],points_sum))final_sorted_list = []while True:try:new_sorted_text = []initial_value_A = [i for i in
sorted(enumerate(points_sum), key=lambda x:x[1][2])][0]
# print(initial_value_A)threshold_value = abs(initial_value_A[1][1][1] - initial_value_A[1][3])threshold_value = (threshold_value/2) + 5del points_sum[initial_value_A[0]]del x_y_cordinate[initial_value_A[0]]# print(threshold_value)A = [initial_value_A[1][1]]K = list(map(lambda x:[x,abs(x[1]-initial_value_A[1][1][1])],x_y_cordinate))K = [[count,i]for count,i in enumerate(K)]K = [i for i in K if i[1][1] <= threshold_value]if K != []:
sorted_K = list(map(lambda x:[x[0],x[1][0]],sorted(K,key=lambda x:x[1][1])))
B = []points_index = []for tmp_K in sorted_K:points_index.append(tmp_K[0])B.append(tmp_K[1])dist = distance.cdist(A,B)[0]d_index = [i for i in sorted(zip(dist,points_index), key=lambda x:x[0])]new_sorted_text.append(initial_value_A[1][0])index = []for j in d_index:new_sorted_text.append(points_sum[j[1]][0])index.append(j[1])for n in sorted(index, reverse=True):del points_sum[n]del x_y_cordinate[n]final_sorted_list.append(new_sorted_text)
# print(new_sorted_text)except Exception as e:print(e)breakreturn final_sorted_list



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